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IT Project - QR-Code generator with image

QR-Code generator with image

Telegram Bot QR Code Generator with Images v.1.0 by Neor. Developed in the Python programming language for easy creation of beautiful QR Codes.

Open source allows developers to use and modify the application, subject to the User Agreement.

We have developed a system for creating QR codes, allowing users to put any image on the background of a QR code.

Also, our team launched Telegram Bot that generates such QR Codes, more about this bot following this link. In the same article, you can see an example of a QR Code.

And in this article we will talk about the Source Code of this Telegram Bot.

The logic of work is banal - the background image is automatically adjusted to the future dimensions of the QR code, then the qrcode module generates a numerical matrix from the text that was passed to it, after the Pillow module draws a png image from the matrix, and finally png is superimposed on the background image.

Developer: Neor

Tester: Neor

For recommendations, suggestions and complaints, please contact developer.

YouTube channel of the developer.

Video demo of how the app works.

Working example of functionality - bot in Telegram. Read more in the article.